Pre-Delivery Inspection

Do you own a New Home?

Great! It doesn't matter if you are just thinking about buying a home or you have lived in your home for a few months - we are here to help! Most homeowners are aware that there is a warranty that comes along with buying a new home. But did you know that 80+% of new homeowners don't fill out their Statutory Forms for the builder properly?

We only do one thing. Help buyers of newly constructed homes. And we do a great job.

who are we imageA newly constructed home in Ontario is protected by a mandatory warranty that is provided by the builder and guaranteed by Tarion Warranty Corporation. Tarion is the Regulator of the new home building industry in Ontario, and in this role, they license all new home and condominium builders in the province and ensure that all new homeowners receive the new home warranty coverage that they are entitled to by law.

What does this mean to you as a proud new homeowner?

The builder is required to provide a safe and significantly defect free home to the consumer. If this is not the case, the consumer has the opportunity to let the builder know where they fell short. No house is perfect and this is where New Home Check can help....

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