Eden, for solo flute 8:30
Suite No. 1 for Solo Cello 13:11
I. mysterious and noble 2:11
II. energetic, playful 3:04
III. reflective, expressive 2:30
IV. with strength, yet hesitant 2:56
V. with exuberance, taking flight, liberated 2:30
Suite No. 2 for Solo Cello 17:41
I. with energy & vitality 3:15
II. with exuberance 3:47
III. calm, peaceful 5:00
IV. with life 3:04
V. freely, with abandon 2:35
Suite No. 3 for Solo Cello 15:40
I. with conviction 4:28
II. with expression 3:53
III. with passion, fire & joy 3:05
IV. gentle & tender 2:14
V. with life, taking flight 2:00
Nocturne No. 1 for Solo Guitar 2:10
Nocturne No. 2 for Solo Guitar 1:32
Nocturne No. 3 for Solo Guitar 2:05
Nocturne No. 4 for Solo Guitar 1:48
Nocturne No. 5 for Solo Guitar 1:42
Nocturne No. 6 for Solo Guitar 2:38
Nocturne No. 7 for Solo Guitar 2:17
Nocturne No. 8 for Solo Guitar, gentle, tender 1:49
Nocturne No. 9 for Solo Guitar, with mystery & longing 2:05
Nocturne No. 10 for Solo Guitar 2:58
Nocturne No. 11 for Solo Guitar, with passion & fire 2:12
Nocturne No. 12 for Solo Guitar, with expression 4:26
Nocturne No. 13 for Solo Guitar 3:20
Nocturne No. 14 for Solo Guitar, with restrained passion 1:46
Nocturne No. 15 for Solo Guitar, as a dream 1:50
Nocturne No. 16 for Solo Guitar 2:11
Nocturne No. 17 for Solo Guitar 3:24
Nocturne No. 18 for Solo Guitar 2:30
Nocturne No. 19 for Solo Guitar, reflective 2:32
Nocturne No. 20 for Solo Guitar, gentle 2:28
Nocturne No. 21 for Solo Guitar 3:20
Nocturne No. 22 for Solo Guitar 2:35
Nocturne No. 23 for Solo Guitar 3:28
Nocturne No. 24 for Solo Guitar 3:09
Rondo for Solo Guitar 13:50
Suite No. 1 for Solo Guitar 10:00
I. Allemande
II. Courante
III. Sarabande
IV. Bourree I & II
V. Gigue
Suite No. 2 for Solo Guitar 16:00
I. Allemande
II. Courante
III. Sarabande
IV. Gavotte I & II
V. Gigue
Suite No. 3 for Solo Guitar 30:00
I. Allemande
II. Courante
III. Sarabande
IV. Menuet I & II
V. Air
VI. Gigue
Suite No. 4 for Solo Guitar 19:00
I. joyful, with expression 3:54
II. playful 2:46
III. gentle 4:08
IV. with energy 3:30
V. joyful, with life 4:42
Suite No. 5 for Solo Guitar 20:49
I. Allemande 4:43
II. Courante 3:17
III. Sarabande 5:35
IV. Minuet 4:10
V. Gigue 3:04
Sonata For Solo Guitar 24:12
I. energetic, with joy, exuberance 9:08
II. tender, gentle 6:45
III. with joy 8:19
Five Ancient Songs for Solo Harp 8:18
I. mysterious 1:56
II. with strength 1:42
III. haunting 1:42
IV. heroically 1:05
V. ethereal 1:53
Poeme No. 1 for Solo Piano 3:05
Poeme No. 2 for Solo Piano 1:28
Poeme No. 3 for Solo Piano 1:26
Poeme No. 4 for Solo Piano 1:50
Poeme No. 5 for Solo Piano 1:01
Poeme No. 6 for Solo Piano 1:26
Poeme No. 7 for Solo Piano 0:52
Poeme No. 8 for Solo Piano 2:41
Poeme No. 9 for Solo Piano 2:44
Two Part Invention No. 1 for Solo Piano 1:51
Two Part Invention No. 2 for Solo Piano, playful, with life 1:19
Two Part Invention No. 3 for Solo Piano, with pain & passion 2:45
Two Part Invention No. 4 for Solo Piano, with joy 1:09
Two Part Invention No. 5 for Solo Piano, with energy 0:59
Sonata for Cello & Piano 14:52
I. tender, loving 5:04
II. with lyrical joy 4:45
III. joyful, with vigour 5:03
Duet For Two Flutes 12:48
I. with energy & life 5:48
II. gentle 4:32
III. with passion 2:28
Duet For Cello & Flute 10:49
I. with conviction & strength 4:37
II. with pain 4:00
III. joyful, exuberant 2:12
Two Fugues for String Trio
• Fugue No. 1
• Fugue No. 2
"Prelude to Beren & Luthien" 15:10
2 Fl; 2 Ob; Eng Hrn; 2 Clar; 2 Bsn; 4 Hns; 2 Trpt; 3 Trbn; 1 Timp;
Strings - Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello, Bass
“Northern Lights” 14:00
2 Fl; 2 Ob; 2 Clar; 2 Bsn; 2 Hns; Harp; Celesta; Crotales;
Timp; Strings - Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello, Bass
(all songs are for Solo Voice & piano)
“The Sick Rose” (Blake)
“Ah, Sunflower” (Blake) 1:27
“With Rue My Heart Is Laden” (Housman) 1:15
“Because He Cleaves to Me” (Psalm 91)
“From Far From Eve and Morning” (Housman)
“Lucifer” (Isaiah)
“Time is Sleeping” (Peros)
“Winter of My Soul” (Peros)
“Virtue” (Herbert) 3:40
“Hills & Valleys Pass Me By” (Peros)
“Whisper Wind” (Peros)
“Lord of Endless Days” (Peros)
“I Soar Through Clouds” (Peros)
“O Dawn of Neverending Hope” (Peros)
“Fly, Fly Midnight” (Peros)
“O Your Hair is Golden Bright” (Peros)
“The Crystal Water of Endless Life” (Peros)
“Glisten Golden Rays of Sun” (Peros)
“Sweet is the Scent of Fragrant Pine” (Peros)
“To You My Thoughts Still Often Turn” (Peros)
“Springtime” (Peros)
“Good Morning Sweet Lord Good Morning” (Peros)
“Fall Leaves Fall” (Bronte) 3:08
“Easter Wings” (Herbert)
“Into My Heart An Air That Kills” (Housman)
“Her Strong Enchantments Failing” (Housman) 1:26
“Life” (Herbert)
“Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” (Frost)
“I Taste A Liquor Never Brewed” (Dickinson) 0:49
“The Sun Has Set” (Bronte) 2:34
“She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways” (Wordsworth) 2:04
“Eight O’Clock” (Housman) 2:24
“She Dried Her Tears” (Bronte) 1:33
“Morning’s First Light Is Gold” (Peros) 1:10
“Today a Bird Came Down to Me” (Peros) 0:36
“Twas One of Those Dark Cloudy Days” (Bronte) 0:58
“I Gazed Upon the Cloudless Moon” (Bronte) 1:17
“Lonely At Her Window Sitting” (Bronte) 1:03
“When Roses Cease To Bloom, Sir” (Dickinson) 1:11
“Bring Me The Sunset In A Cup” (Dickinson)
“She Rested By The Broken Brook” (Stevenson) 1:54
“There Are Two Trees In A Lonely Field” (Bronte) 1:11
“Tell Me, Tell Me, Smiling Child” (Bronte) 1:38
“I Know Not How It Falls On Me” (Bronte) 1:54
“Awaking Morning Laughs From Heaven” (Bronte) 1:39
“The Evening Sun Was Sinking Down” (Bronte)
“Sleep Brings No Joy To Me” (Bronte) 3:40
“The Soft Unclouded Blue of Air” (Bronte) 1:18
“Still Beside That Dreary Water” (Bronte) 2:41
“Was It With The Fields Of Green” (Bronte) 1:24
“O Evening, Why Is Thy Light So Sad” (Bronte) 2:08
“Eternity” (Blake) 1:02
“I’ll Come When Thou Art Saddest” (Bronte) 2:26
“So Set Its Sun In Thee” (Dickinson) 1:38
“My Love Is In A Light Attire” (Joyce) 1:48
“Mild the Must Upon the Hill” (Bronte) 2:08
“Oh When I Was In Love With You” (Housman)
“When I Was One-And-Twenty” (Housman)
“Lean Out Of The Window Goldenhair” (Joyce)
“O Cool Is The Valley Now” (Joyce)
“Because Your Voice Was At My Side” (Joyce)
“In The Dark Pine Wood” (Joyce)
“I Would In That Sweet Bosom Be” (Joyce)
“When Mary Goes Walking” (Chalmers)
“The Thief” (Pawsey) 1:18
“The Night” (Leuty) 2:44
“None But One” (Bronte) 1:54
“The Night Sky” (Anon) 3:40
“The Loveliest of Trees, The Cherry Now” (Housman) 1:32
“A Spring Morning” (Clare) 2:07
“Maid of Walkherd, Meet Again” (Clare) 2:26
”O Sigh No More, Love, Sigh No More” (Clare) 1:39
(A Cappella)
“O God You Are My God” SATB 4:33
“How Long O Lord” SATB 4:56
“He Reached Down From On High” SATB 4:50
“The Lord Is My Shepherd” SA 2:26
“He That Follows Me” SA 1:10
“May The Lord Answer You” SATB 1:43
“I Will Sing of the Lord’s Great Love Forever” SATB 2:12
“The Righteous Shall Blossom Like the Lily” SA 2:21
“Veni Sponsa Christi” SATBB 3:30
“Blessed is the Man” SA 3:15
“And I In Righteousness” SA 2:56
“You Have Made Known To Me” SATB 3:39
“I Will Praise You O Lord” SATB 2:15
“Where Morning Dawns and Evening Fades” SA 2:52
“Blessed Is the Man” (Ps.1) SATB 3:52
“I Love You O Lord My Strength” SATB 3:35
“Love And Faithfulness Meet Together” SATB 2:43
“Shout for Joy To The Lord” SATB 4:22
“I Call on You O God” SATB 3:32
“All Glorious is the Princess” SAATB 4:17
“Hear My Prayer O Lord” SATB
“I Will Praise You” SATB
“Answer Me When I Call To You” SATB
“Sing To God, Sing Praise To His Name” SA
“I Call On You” SATB
“Come To Me All You Who Are Weary” SATB
“Come To Me”SATTB
“As The Deer Pants For Streams of Water” SA
“And The Lord God Formed Man” SATBB 3:07
“Lord, My Soul Cries to You” SAATB 3:02
“Come, The Lord Does Call” SATB 2:44
CHORAL WORKS - Large Scale
(A Cappella)
Prayer of Consolation (SATB) 38:00
(composed in response to September 11, 2001)
I. My Eyes Fail From Weeping 4:33
II. I Will Strengthen and Help You 3:54
III. All Our Enemies Have Opened Their Mouths 3:24
IV. All Your Enemies Have Opened Their Mouths 2:54
V. The Righteous Perish 2:20
VI. The Righteous Perish and No One Ponders 4:40
VII. In You Our Fathers Put Their Trust 4:18
VIII. Trust In Me 2:36
IX. Your Dead Will Live 3:28
X. Come to Me 2:23
XI. I Will Lie Down and Sleep in Peace 2:00